This is hysterical!

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This is hysterical!

Post by Dinesh »

scroll down for the link to read the article at the bottom of the page. Don't be eating anything while you're reading - you'll choke!
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This is hysterical!

Post by holomaker »

Wow! Thanks Dr. Bell now i know what to get my wife for Valentines day ! :lol:
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This is hysterical!

Post by Jem »

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... :lol:
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This is hysterical!

Post by a_k »

Not hysterical, Dinesh, it's the new age and a taste of things to come. You would be surprised to how many people texts like this one make perfect sense. There is no need anymore to spend your life trying to understand yourself and the world around you. Just buy what you are being served and be happy like the rest.

Presumably in the richer parts of the world there is no analphabetism anymore. Instead people can read but their attention span is too short to remember the beginning of a phrase they just read. Unfortunately things are getting more and more complex at the same time. One widespread strategy to deal with this dilemma seems to be to replace the tedious task of acquiring knowledge with some magical explanations which have the advantage of simplicity. Unfortunately even that magic is getting quite dull and isn't phantastic, colourful or original anymore.


This is hysterical!

Post by Dinesh »

a_k wrote:One widespread strategy to deal with this dilemma seems to be to replace the tedious task of acquiring knowledge with some magical explanations
I think there's an element of that. But I also think that people have increasingly been seduced by celebrities, personalities and the media, or even (gawd help us!) the internet. There is an increasing abrogation of any rational thinking or analysis, instead there's an acceptance of the "expert", or the celebrity, wholesale. However, people choose their "expert", indeed, their science, based on their politics. Those that apparently reject the conformist view of the way the world works based on science and mathematics will swallow the bizarre superstition of pyramids and aliens (what I call Deepak Chopra sh*t!) Those that accept the conformist view simply parrot the celebrities of the science world with no background thinking or reasonable analysis.

Today we get so much of our understanding of the world, of our accepted behaviour patterns and our social skills from the world of scriptwriters and science popularisers that the metaphor of TV has become the realism of accepted fact. My old Physics teacher from my A level days used to say that the definition of a lecturer was notes from the lecturer's notebook to a student's notebook without passing through the heads of either. Today, I think it's cliches and packaged factoids from the TV/film screen that's become part of our psyche without actually passing through our heads.

I think all these discussions about holographic TV and chemical phobias are a case in point. People warn you of the dangers of too much "sodium" in your food, while happily cooking with sodium carbonate (baking soda). People warn you of the effects of cholestorol, without actually knowing what it is. It's actually an alcohol with a very high molecular weight (C_27O_45OH).

I once tried to have a discussion on the epistemology of mathematics - was there such a thing? I couldn't get very far. People simply accepted that 2 + 2 = 4, despite my pointing out that 2 camels and 2 dishcloths didn't equal 4 of anything.

This is hysterical!

Post by holorefugee »


This is hysterical!

Post by Dinesh »

Sorry, I don't seem to be able to copy this image. However, referring to the image with the apparently blinking eyes, I'm not sure I understand. Agree? Disagree? I'm not familiar with this image in context.

I think that the profusion of "holographic" technologies that has all the community up in arms is an excercise in futility unless some attempt is made to understand the social forces behind this onslaught of the misuse of the word. However, I accept that a lot of people might simply gnash their teeth and let it go. I just feel that it takes away from the art and science of holography to simply accept the misuse of the word and not examine it's causes in any way.

I hope that others in the community also feel that it needs an answer or comment from the community, or the community abrogates any right to complain. There will be a profusion of "holographic TV", "holographic meetings", holograms appearing out of cell phones and holograms being "downloaded" from cell phones to some remote location. If the holographers themselves do nothing then it will be a case of a misinterpretation that exists when the knowledgeable do nothing.

However, apologies if the rest of the community does not feel this way. If I seem to be banging on a tin drum, it may be my way of trying to start a conversation that goes beyond apoplectic outrage into meaningful dialogue.

Apologies also but I'm too old to understand this icon-based conversation completely. I try and, I suppose, am trying!
Ed Wesly
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This is hysterical!

Post by Ed Wesly »

"We're the flowers in the dustbin" Sex Pistols
Justin W

This is hysterical!

Post by Justin W »

As far as that goofy holographic chakra projector thingie goes, I think the folks marketing it bungled the job by mentioning the Zebra-men of Ort Sector 9 right off the bat.
I went from 2x skim speed to something like 5x skim speed at the very first mention of ET.
Honestly... they really should have gone ahead and tried to set the hook with an initial barrage of the almost-sciency-sounding mumbo-jumbo. Then drop the deep-space alien technology bomb after we're convinced that the gadget is pure genius.

Or perhaps the demographic being targeted would be simply loathe to believe that such a device could possibly be of human design...

Personally, I think it looks like either a pull from a flamboyant pinball machine or perhaps a strange but not-quite-weird-enough-to-be-alien artifact. What will anthropologists 1000 years in the future think when they unearth the storage unit full of the unsold inventory of these crazy gizmos?

This is hysterical!

Post by holorefugee »

Hi Dinesh,


This roughly means "Sheesh!"
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