Color control of DCG

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Color control of DCG

Post by JohnFP »

I guess I was confused because I was speaking of and the subject was on wavelength, thus the numerical representation of the wavelength was used. Had I been speaking of energy then I see where you are coming from.

Anyway, glad we got that straight...HAhahaha!!!

Color control of DCG

Post by MichaelH »

It's a physics thing. Generally in physics you talk of energies rather than wavelengths. Hence X-rays are considered higher than radio waves, or 'up', relative to radio. In this way, blue is 'upshifting' while red is 'downshifting'. I specified 'up' and 'down' because sometimes people think of lower wavelengths, ie smaller numbers, as 'down'.
Words and people are funny things. I'm always running into situations with other technical people where they don't really say what they "mean", or they're mentally using terminology that they're used to rather than the terminology that's actually being expressed by the words coming out of their mouths. :o
I think it's cardinal vs ordinal thing too. '1st' is considered better than '2nd', while '1' is lower than '2'.
:-) 1st may be "better" than 2nd but that still doesn't make 1 "higher" in a discussion of higher numbers. Language and people are funny things :-)