The Wiki

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The Wiki

Post by JohnFP »

Colin, I believe the Wiki needs a complete organizational overhaul. I was trying to find the section on lasers that explained the different modes and coherence length and for the life of me could not find it. I finally had to do a google search with "coherence length" to find the laser section.

I still don't know how to find it via the home page (Table of Contents) on the wiki. It may be possible in our last reorg of the Wiki the link to the laser section may have gotten broken.

What I would like to do is make a flow chart (tree) of the different pages and see how it is organized then reorganize it. I think the best way would be to look at the FTP folder and file association. I believe the home page should be organized like the Table of Contents of a research book, such that everthing in the Wiki can be found via the first page instead of trying to find the contents of a subject burried three or 4 levels deep. I understand not every page can have a link on the first page but it definitely needs to be easier to find a specific topic.

Would you like me to reorganize the Wiki? If so, is it possible to get FTP access? Finally, is that the best way to do what we need to do, or do you have a tool that would allow me to view the file structure and association and reorganize it?

Feel free to contact me off line for specifics.

Colin Kaminski

The Wiki

Post by Colin Kaminski »

The entire interface for the wiki is alread at your disposal. The pages are stored in a database and FTP access will only you to change the php code and not the content.

I started a reorganization in Jan to make it more like wikipedia. I think each topic needs its own page so you can search from the search box. Go to town!
DJ Mathson

The Wiki

Post by DJ Mathson »

John, you´ve got a PM.