Greg Cherry

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Colin Kaminski

Greg Cherry

Post by Colin Kaminski »

I was just down at the fair grounds to a local craft fair and ran into Greg Cherry. He had a couple of holograms. He is very friendly and helpful. He was displaying this hologram made on photopolymer. The pegesus is a reflection hologram and the background is white light transmission.


Both holograms had great depth and clarity.

Nice Work!

Greg Cherry

Post by Nini »

Hi, I love this hologram and I love Greg Cherry because he is my husband, but really GUYS, I made this hologram.
Pegasus is by Nancy Gorglione from a sculpture and glass backdrop by Nancy Gorglione. Greg made the copy master from my master at a specific angle for Hughs, who published it as an edition.
Colin Kaminski

Greg Cherry

Post by Colin Kaminski »

Hi Nini!

Thank you for the correction. Welcome to the forum.