Russian site

These are all of the old posts from the first two years of the forum. They are locked.
Updated: 2005-03-28 by HoloM (the god)
Martin Mueller

Russian site

Post by Martin Mueller »

There is a gorgious Russian site at: providing hundreds of Russian papers about

Altavista's "Babelfish" makes some sort of translations. For example, ...
Fschool12Findex.htm results in the following table of contents:

Materials of the first All-Union school for the holography
With O D E R Zh A N I E
Holography in the cinema and the television
S.M.RYTOV.Physical bases of the holography
YA.SMORODINSKIY.Coherence in physics
L.M.SOROKO.Classification of the holograms
L.M.SOROKO.Generalized holograms
P.F.PARSHIN.Quality of the optical image
P.F.PARSHIN.Interference methods of spectral analysis with the application of Fourier
Chapter I. Interferentsionnaya light modulation
Work of Michaelson on the application of interference in spectroscopy
Fourier transform
Application of Fourier transform for the interpretation of spectra photos
Principle of interference modulation
Equipment, used for registering the interferogram
Distortions in the receiving-recording circuit
Chapter II.Method of Fourier- spectrometry
Apparatus function with the infinitely eyelet of the interferometer
Model of the dispersion curve
Digital conversion of Fourier
Dependence of interferogram on the angular dimensions of the source
Apparatus function with the final angular dimensions of the source
Phase distortions
Nonuniformity of a change in the path difference
Chapter III. Noise in the method of Fourier- spectrometry
Dispersion of noise in the spectrogram
Signal-to-noise ratio
Dynamic range
K.S.SHIFRIN.Interference, diffraction, the coherence
Temporary/time and spatial coherence
Length of train and the width of radiation spectrum
Sequential wave trains, radiated by one atom
Correlation with the interference phenomena.Degree of the partial coherence
Contrast of strips in the quasi-monochromatic light
Van Qitterta- Zernike's Theorem.Coherence with the illumination by the extensive
quasi-monochromatic source
Degree of coherence with the illumination by the uniform circular source
Influence of the time coherence on the phenomenon of the diffraction
G.I.KOSOUROV.Conversion of space, achieved by the hologram
Point linear transformation of the space
Geometric optic/optics
Geometric optic/optics of the holograms
A.S.OSTROVSKIY.Coherent methods of the analysis of the structure of the images
I.P.NALIMOV.Bases of the holographic technology
L.D.BAKHRAKH, G.A.SOBOLEV. Optical information processing the matched filtration of
images.Pattern recognition
Yu I.Ostrovski1. Holographic interferometry
B.G.TURUKHANO.Holographing bubble chambers and working the chamber holograms
YU.G.TURKOV.Pulse holography with the ruby lasers
G.A.sobolev.Rezektivnyy method of the reconstruction of holograms and optical filtration
Requirements for the resonators
power engineering of the method
Construction/design of the reactive/jet optical correlators
the experimental study of the reactive/jet schematic of filtration and reconstruction of
the holograms
Applications/appendices of the method of the reactive/jet reconstruction of holograms and
information processing
I.S.KLIMENKO.Holograms of the focused images
N.M.POMERANTSEV.Methods of radiophysics in the holography
V.I.TELESHEVSKIY.Ultrasonic holography
D.I.STASEL'KO.Influence of parametrovistochnikov of emission on the hologram
V.YU.SINTSOV.Influence of the properties of photographic material on the quality of the
image, restored/reduced from the hologram
I.R.PROTAS.Properties of photographic materials for the holography

Colin Kaminski

Russian site

Post by Colin Kaminski »

I really like this site! But I got halfway through an article and the translation had stopped. I'll keep trying. Any advice?
Colin Kaminski

Russian site

Post by Colin Kaminski »

I could not sleep this morning and was too tired to work so I started searching the Russia site. I found some papers in English.

I have not had time to read them yet.