Light Field Camera

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Light Field Camera

Post by Dinesh »

PinkysBrain wrote:They generally capture the effect of phase as the time averaged amplitude of the standing wave caused by the interference of the reference and object wave, but they don't generally capture phase proper because that amplitude is also dependent on the amplitude of the object wave proper ... which is unknown in display holography (obviously not necessarily so in interferometry). Amplitude and phase get all mushed up in recording, and only a single one is generally modulated in playback ... it's a miracle holography works as well as it does
I think you may be describing an idealised reflection hologram with on axis beams from both sides. In this case, there is a standing wave whose time-averaged amplitude at every position is recorded. Since, in a standing wave, the amplitude at different points in space varies, the recorded intensity at any specific point varies as a function of the point. I remember a demonstration by my school Level Physics teacher where he took a pipe and drilled holes along the top. He then made an additional hole to attach to a source of gas. He attached speakers to either end of the pipe and lit the holes at the top. Since the pressure of the gas inside was a function of the pressure due to the sound wave and he had two speakers at either end, the gas inside the pipe was a pressure standing wave. You could see that the flame was at different heights along the pipe.

By the way, even if you have a perfect system as above, with two beams coming in from opposite sides of the plate, you cannot get a pure standing wave, the wave will creep forwards and so the "fringes" will blur. The reason is that pure standing waves will occur if, and only if, the amplitude of both waves is exactly equal. If there is any dissimilarity between the waves, there will be a small traveling wave component. When launching into a medium, the absorption of that medium will reduce the amplitude of one wave slightly. This causes a dissimilarity in amplitudes and so causes the waves to travel. This is why you cannot have a single beam Denisyuk brighter than an H1/H2 system, even if you matched the beam ratios perfectly.

In a transmission hologram, or any hologram where the waves are not counter-propagating, the phase is captured via the complex amplitude in the exponential. The general light field due to an oscillating point source, oscillating at w, is given by
E = E' expi(wt-kr)

If you had a lot of these points at r_1, r_2...r_n, you'd add them all up (due to the Principle of Superposition) and get

E = E' {expi(wt- kr_1) + expi(wt-kr_2) .. + expi(wt-kr_n} = E' exp(iwt)*expi(kr_1 + kr_2 +...+kr_n) = E' exp(iwt)* exp(iphi(r))

The phi(r) term captures all the phase variations of all the light from all the various point sources. So, the generalised "object wave" is

O = O' exp(i*phi(x,y)

The energy carried by a wave cannot be negative. So, to force it to be positive, we take the square of the E field:
W=E^2 = (E')^2 sin^2 (wt-kr)

Since the variation of this term is extremely rapid and cannot be tracked, we instead state that the average energy delivered by a lightfield is an average over many cycles (remembering that a cycle, for light, is about a tenth of a picosecond or so). The average of the above function varies wildly for a few cycles, but then settles down to half the maximum value of E'. Since the "few cycles" is only a picosecond, we then simply state that the energy delivered by a lightwave is half the maximum value of the sin function, or half the amplitude. So, the energy of object wave W_O(which is what converts the silver halide to silver) is, using complex notation:

W_O proportional to (1/2)(O(x,y))^2 proportional to (1/2) {O(x,y)O*(x,y)} (where O* is the complex conjugate of O)

If you took a photograph, this is all you'd get because all phase information is lost due to the presence of the complex amplitude. But, in a hologram you have a reference wave which has a fixed phase

R = R' exp(wt-kr)

So, at the hologram plate, the total lightfield is:

H = (R + O)(R* + O*) = RR* + OO* + RO* + OR* = |R| + |O| + RO* + OR*

Now, RO* = R'O'exp(ikr - ikphi) and OR* = R'O'exp(ikphi-ikr), their sum is R'O'cos(phi)
And so, on the plate, is an overall increase in exposure (due to the |R| + |O| term) which is what I call the 'dc' level and a term in O and a term in O*. The O term is an exact copy of the object wave, phase and all. The O* term is the conjugate term, phase and all. This O* term is usually called the 'pseudoscopic term", though the actual light field is not always pseudoscopic - especially in an H1/H2 setup.
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Light Field Camera

Post by kaveh1000 »

Interesting thread killed by Dinesh's equations again. ;-)

Light Field Camera

Post by Dinesh »

PinkysBrain wrote: it's a miracle holography works as well as it does
kaveh1000 wrote:Interesting thread killed by Dinesh's equations again
Well, yes, I suppose it's true. It's all magic. There's no such thing as phase, no such thing as interference, diffraction - schimfraction- no such thing! It's Gremlins! Holograms don't record phase! Benton was wrong! It's Magic! It's Gods!

Don't all of you worry your heads about how and why it all works, just put it down to magic. There's no real science involved. Really! Ignore the equations of Gabor (who I just quoted!). Personally think it's a shame that the work of people going from Bragg to Von Laue to Gabor to Benton to Denisyuk is all wasted because no one wants to understand it. Mostly, people simply put it down to some sort of mumbo jumbo. But - vox populi, vox dei. Holography just happens, who know why, It's all miraculous! Believe only those who are famous! Science and religion have merged to a common belief system where only the Prophets are accepted as Providers of Wisdom. Those of us who are not so divinely gifted commit blasphemy and must be chastised! I guess without a PhD, you can't be part of The Priesthood!

Oh, one more thing. If anyone in the educational system has any influence, can we please stop the schools from teaching science? These poor kids learn that science involves mathematics, then they go into the world and every time they use the mathematics they learn, someone comes with a big hammer and hits them on the head and tells them that using mathematics to justify an argument is wrong! wrong! wrong! These poor kids are terribly disadvantaged and must be taught that all natural phenomena must be explained with no mathematics at all!

Light Field Camera

Post by Johnfp »

Well for me if I see,
In a transmission hologram, or any hologram where the waves are not counter-propagating, the phase is captured via the complex amplitude in the exponential. The general light field due to an oscillating point source, oscillating at w, is given by
E = E' expi(wt-kr)
I have no idea whe wt is or kr. If a formula is posted and the varibles are not defined, I just pass it over. I know that k or kr probably means something very standard, but without knowhing that, the formula makes no sense to me.

Again, this is just my opinion. If you want the masses and not the few in the mathimatical field to appreciate your expertise in defining the math for holography, then you need to explain it like you were explaining it to Elementary School Kids. Define each variable and explain what is happening in the formula. Again just my opinion.
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Light Field Camera

Post by dannybee »

I think the key here will be the software for transposing the image, how user friendly will it be? can you save a series of images from right to left? will they incorporate some type of fractal compression to soften the hard edges for printing?
the only difference in the camera its self is the lenticular lens array on top of the ic-image chip.
the detail of the output image is 1060 pix after transposing... a little lower than HD 1080P...they are looking into incorporation 3d filming for the HD image so still & HD movies and 3d output... but again I think the software will be the heart of whether this will be successful...and for holography printing? how reasonable the pricing can become? this maybe what will swing open holography to the everyday person.
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Light Field Camera

Post by dannybee »


Light Field Camera

Post by PinkysBrain »

Dinesh wrote:The O term is an exact copy of the object wave, phase and all.
This math only deals with how the object wave interacts with the reference wave at the holographic plate, it does not describe the recording process ... it's the recording process in which phase falls by the wayside (and subsequently becomes the only modulating effect after bleaching).

Light Field Camera

Post by favalora »

I think I lost track of where the discussion was heading. Around the corner was something like, "Perhaps holograms and integral photographs can be converted into each other via math like Ziegler's." ( projects ) Was this leading to, "Perhaps IPs of sufficient view-density contain, implicitly, the equivalent phase information of the recorded scene?".

This question confuses me. I mean, I don't know how to think about that question because I haven't gotten comfortable enough with the conceptual transition from "views" to "phasefronts."

There are a couple of papers that come to mind, though, both from people at or formerly with the Media Lab:

Q. Y. J. Smithwick, J. Barabas, D. E. Smalley, and V. M. Bove, Jr., "Interactive Holographic Stereograms with Accommodation Cues," Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXIV, v. 7619, 2010.
Plesniak, Halle, Bove, Pappu, "Reconfigurable image projection holograms" (Optical Engineering, 2006, ...)

These papers are tangential to the present discussion, but I think they are interesting, and might get at what's being asked.

Posts: 642
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Light Field Camera

Post by dannybee »

favalora wrote:I think I lost track of where the discussion was heading. Around the corner was something like, "Perhaps holograms and integral photographs can be converted into each other via math like Ziegler's." ( projects ) Was this leading to, "Perhaps IPs of sufficient view-density contain, implicitly, the equivalent phase information of the recorded scene?".

This question confuses me. I mean, I don't know how to think about that question because I haven't gotten comfortable enough with the conceptual transition from "views" to "phasefronts."

There are a couple of papers that come to mind, though, both from people at or formerly with the Media Lab:

Q. Y. J. Smithwick, J. Barabas, D. E. Smalley, and V. M. Bove, Jr., "Interactive Holographic Stereograms with Accommodation Cues," Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXIV, v. 7619, 2010.
Plesniak, Halle, Bove, Pappu, "Reconfigurable image projection holograms" (Optical Engineering, 2006, ...)

These papers are tangential to the present discussion, but I think they are interesting, and might get at what's being asked.

thanks so much for posting the papers :D
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