TEST Silver Developers

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CW Developers

CW developers are allegedly suitable for exposures with continuous wave lasers (as opposed to pulsed lasers).

The CW-C2 developer is named for its inventors Cooke and Ward, not its use with CW lasers. It debuted in the March, 1984 issue of Applied Optics in an article authored by D. J. Cooke and A. A. Ward.

Note that the JD-2 and JD-3 chemistry use the same exact developer, and that it is closely related to the CW-C2 developer, using 25% less urea, but otherwise the same.

CW-C2 JD-2/3 Pyrochrome Pyrochrome plus
Part A:
Pyrogallol 10 g 20 g
Catechol 20 g 20 g
Ascorbic acid 10 g 10 g
Sodium sulfite 10 g 10 g
Potassium metabisulfite 30 g
Urea 100 g 75 g
Water 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml
Part B:
Sodium carbonate 60 g 60 g 60 g 130 g
Water 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml
Working solution:
Mix A + B + water 1 + 1 + 0 1 + 1 + 0 1 + 1 + 0 1 + 1 + 0
Development time 2 min a 20 C 2 min at 20 C 2 min at 20 C 2 min at 20C
Hologram type Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection